Best Practices

Best practices successfully implemented by R. L. S. Y. College, Ranchi as per NAAC format:

1. Weekly Faculty Meet
  1. Objectives of the Practice: The objective of the Weekly Faculty Meet is to discuss the problems and prospects of the institution. This practice is based on the belief of collective vision. In this weekly faculty meeting the problems related to different areas of teaching-learning, administration and overall development of the college is discussed among the teachers chaired by the head of the institution.
  2. The Context: The institution faces several challenges from time to time. It was agreed that a democratic and participatory approach should be used in addressing the different challenges faced by the institution. It was also agreed that the inclusion of all the members of the staff and their collective knowledge and vision would strengthen the institution and help us solve our problems more efficiently. This motivated us to organize a weekly faculty meet to help the institution function in a collaborative and democratic manner.
  3. The Practice: On every Saturday a weekly faculty meet is organized sharp at 11:00 am. All the faculty members participate in this meeting. The head of the institution addresses the meeting as a chairperson. The proceedings of the meeting are well maintained in written form. The agenda is decided one day before the meeting and is discussed in the weekly faculty meet and resolutions are taken with mutual consensus. Apart from this, a teacher does a PowerPoint presentation on a topic related to her or his expertise. A relevant topic is selected and deliberations are made by the teachers. This also enables the pooling and sharing of knowledge.
  4. Evidence of Success: The Weekly Faculty Meet started with consensus of all on 5/08/2017. About 55 meetings have been organized till date. As a result of these meetings, the institution was able to solve different problems and develop harmonious relationship among the teachers. Regular discussions and debates generated awareness about relevant issues in teaching-learning practices as well as encouraged teachers to introspect and reflect on their own pedagogic activities. An Inter-disciplinary approach was used for the presentations which further encouraged cross-disciplinary learning and exchanges among the faculty.
  5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required: No major problems were encountered in the conduct of the Weekly Faculty Meet.
2. Faculty Supported Welfare Fund
  1. Objectives of the Practice: The objective of the Faculty Supported Welfare Fund is to provide financial help to the poor students. The college has a large number of students from economically marginalized section. To help them financially a student welfare fund has been created which runs by the donation of the teachers.
  2. The Context: Large number of students in the college comes from very poor background. There are evidences that they drop out in lack of financial support. The teachers of the institution decided to establish a Faculty Supported Student Welfare fund to meet the financial needs of the poor students.
  3. The Practice: A Faculty Supported Welfare Fund has been created in which every teacher contributes monthly. The amount is not fixed and the amount given depends on the willingness of the teacher. The in-charge of the Faculty Supported Welfare Fund is responsible for the collection and discharge of the fund. The applicants are screened based on certain criteria established beforehand. Students coming from BPL family are given preference for the financial support.
  4. Evidence of Success: The decision of creating Faculty Supported Welfare Fund was made in the meeting of Staff Council on 21st January 2020. Till date 7 students have been supported financially. Their admission/ examination fees were provided by this fund.
  5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required: The Faculty Supported Welfare Fund faces some difficulty like:
    - Fund raising- Since the teachers contribute willingly the amount is not certain and is very less.
    - No bank account has been opened till date however it is in process.
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